Sunday, September 7, 2008

Europe, I Have arrived!

Sorry I have not posted in forever! I have not had an internet connection until ten minutes ago. First off, Thanks for all the prayers for my safe traveling. I had no problems. I first went to Munich, Germany for two days. It was such a pretty city. We went on a professional tour and visited a beer garden (no worries, beer is not my thing), which was so cool. Its a gathering of a huge group of people, who sit at picnic tables in a park and eat, drink, and get to know others. The food of course was much different that the US. They were into sausage, pretzels, and beer. Anything outside of that was hard to come by. The next day we drove in a charter bus to Prague. We stopped on the way at a brewery called "Pilsner," which is supposedly very famous. We had lunch there and pulled into our apartments around six. After we looked around a little, we found a really cheap pizza place and had some dinner. The language barrier is pretty tough. We do not live in the touristy part of Prague, so finding someone who speaks english is proving to be more and more difficult every day. The Czech people are not to friendly. The seem to be annoyed with out questions, and picture taking. As I begin to unpack, the realization that I am not going anywhere for four months is starting to hit me. This is it for now. I'll post more frequently now that I have internet! 


Ashley Capps said...

Kayla girl you better be careful with the Czech comment! I'm 1/4 Czech remember! lol I love you. And I'm totally blessed to know you're there safe and sound. Have an amazing 4 months! I'm so excited to read your blogs as much as I can! It will make me feel as if I'm right there with yoU!.. though I don't think Mitch would like that!

Ashley Capps said...

Kayla girl you better be careful with the Czech comment! I'm 1/4 Czech remember! lol I love you. And I'm totally blessed to know you're there safe and sound. Have an amazing 4 months! I'm so excited to read your blogs as much as I can! It will make me feel as if I'm right there with yoU!.. though I don't think Mitch would like that!