Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Praha Zoo

This past week it was a Czech Holiday, so we had a week and a half off of school. Lots of people took advantage of the break, and planned trips. Meredith went to Barcelona with a few friends. I choose to stay in Prague and take advantage of the few weekends left we have here. All of November, I will be traveling every weekend, so I really wanted to mark some attractions off my list. The zoo was a big one. It seems quite off to think of a medieval European city having a zoo, but Prague's zoo is actually rated the sixth best in the world, beating out the infamous San Diego Zoo. Being the devote animal lover I am, I was so excited to go. It turns out the weather was not going to give us sunshine, and rained the whole time we were there, but it was still a blast. Virtually everything we do is within the city limits, but the zoo is positioned on the outskirts, so we had to take a tram four stops, then the subway three stops, and then board a bus for about 5 stops. It was quite the journey. When we arrived, it looked a little like the Portland Zoo. Partly because of the dreary weather, but it was nonetheless very pretty. It was landscaped with waterfalls, big hanging trees, and of course beautiful exotic animals. We got to see bears, penguins, giraffes, elephants, tigers, monkeys, and basically every animal that is usually at the zoo. All of the maps, and signs were in Czech so we went in circles and got lost a few times, but it was so much fun. We stopped for lunch at a little cafe and had "smazeny syr" which translates to fried cheese. It is just as tasty as it is unhealthy. The zoo was spread out over a lot of land, so we got our fair-share of walking in for the day. Being that it is a big tourist attraction, lots of Americans were there, so it was refreshing to hear some good 'ol English. After about 4 hours of exploring, we decided we had seen enough and headed home. We were cold, muddy, and enthused on the way back. It was so much fun. I felt like a little kid again running from one exhibit to the next. Everyone is back now from their long trips. Since they do not celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving here, they are already pulling out the Christmas decorations around the city. It is so exciting. They are telling us that it will start to snow soon. The city will look so amazing with decorations and snow. I cannot wait. Well I will be sure to write after this weekends trip to Krakow Poland! 

1 comment:

Ashley Capps said...

The zoo! How fun! That would have totally been my pick of things to do as well.. It's interesting to think that they have all the animals we have though. And thank the Lord for tourists, meaning every once in a wee-while you can hear the language God blessed you with! I still think it's weird that you're in a location where you don't know the la! That's crazy! And don't get to excited about the Christmas decorations going up so soon.. because, sadly to say, they're going up here already as well! On a Christian radio station, they're already playing a Christmas song here and there (And that was before Holloween!) Don't get me wrong, Christmas is my favorite Holiday! However, when the time's right ;) Well, I love you! And miss you! And am totally blessed that the Lord has blessed you and shown you more of His great creation and culture! Take care sis!