Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Start of a New School Year

It blows my mind that here it is October, and I'm just now starting school. In one way, it is sad end to a long summer break, and in another way I'm excited to be back to a routine and be productive. I was mistaken in thinking the professors were from the US. They are all Czech citizens which has proved to make classes a little difficult. It is funny because whenever we talk to anyone around here who speaks English, they always ask us to slow down because our "American accent" is too strong. My initial response is to think that I do not have an accent, but of course to them I do. The teachers here are all fluent in English, but there is definitely still a language barrier. They all speak with thick accents, and very quickly, so we often have to ask them to repeat themselves or to slow down. It is not easy to zone out during class, because everyone is so concentrated just trying to understand what they are saying. It has been interesting thus far, but I'm sure as time goes on we will begin to better understand each other's accent. I'm taking five classes while I'm here. One of them was my immersion language class, which only lasted two weeks, but was five hours a day, for ten days. It was a lot to learn, but I'm really happy with it, because I can now get around the city and ask questions in Czech. I am also taking Sociology of Globalization, Psychology of Nutrition, Personalities in Times of Transition, and Art and Architecture. I am really happy with my classes so far. I go to class Monday-Wednesday, which is nice to have such long weekends, but classes are three hours long. I have about 9 weeks of classes and then a week of finals. I am thinking it is going to fly by. I am kind of a nerd who enjoys school, so I'm actually really excited to get going with my classes. 
I am leaving in the morning for Budapest, Hungary. I am going to be there until Sunday. I am traveling with four other people, whom are also in the same program as me. We found a safe and affordable hostel so it should be an awesome time. For all those who have not heard, I was finally approved for my visa, Praise the Lord! In the upcoming weeks, I will be going to Germany in a few weeks, Poland in the beginning of November, and then to Austria a few weeks later. I feel so blessed and privileged  to be able to do all of this. Thats all for now. This picture is of my school, Charles University. Sorry for the random people in the picture, but there are so many people here that is is quite difficult to get a picture with no one in the way! 

1 comment:

~Christina said...

Man, it all sounds absolutely awesome, I wish I was there! That's pretty funny about your profs being native Czechs, I can imagine it must provide a lot of laughs--and even some intense frustration at times--with the language barrier there. Thanks for the update, it was fun reading!Stay safe and God Bless! :o)